Rhea-Annea E. Ferguson is from Gloversville, NY and will be attending Fulton Montgomery Community College to pursue a degree in Graphic Arts. Rhea-Annea has Ataxic Cerebral Palsy and has donated her wheelchairs and walkers to her school. “…I donated one of my wheelchairs to a friend who has Lou Gerhigs disease and ankle and leg braces to the Schriners. My glasses always go to the Lions Club. I believe in giving back to the Community and helping others.”
Shaina K. Ghuraya is from Elk Grove, CA and will be attending California State University to pursue a degree in Government. At the age of 4, she was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy rendering her wheelchair bound for the rest of her life. “…My disability has contributed to a unique outlook on life that I would not have acquired without the crippling illness. The wheelchair is in a sense a part of who I am, and has helped develop me to become a state legislator for the Disability Committee, so I can help others in similar conditions.”
Abigail E. Gordon is from Littleton, CO and will be attending Colorado Christian University to pursue a degree in Health Sciences. Abigail has Cystic Fibrosis and Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. “…Because I live with two serious medical challenges, I have developed a heart of compassion and understanding towards other youth and adults who have medical challenges. I have developed my own outreach called All Things, which provides support and comfort at no cost to medically challenged youth through Personalized Encouragement Boxes.”
Lindsay R. Kerr is from Long Beach, CA and will be attending Long Beach City College to pursue a degree in Education. Lindsay was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy and Hydrocephalus. “…The Cerebral Palsy affected my left leg and arm but I am able to walk and talk, but not in the manner that most people do. The Hydrocephalus has made it harder to see details of objects because of the many brain surgeries that I’ve had over the years. But this has not stopped me from my dream of helping others with disabilities.”
Joshua J. Kim is from LaCanada, CA and will be attending Pomona College to pursue a medical degree. Joshua was born as a severe Hemophiliac. “…Hemophilia has placed many challenges in my life but it has also given me guidance and purpose to pursue advocacy on behalf of those affected, to be a model of inspiration to those around me and to hopefully be accepted into the medical field and become a world class physician. “
Gabrielle C. Pearce is from Dubois, PA and will be attending Temple University to pursue a Neuroscience degree. Gabrielle has severe disabling Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. “…I am able to look at health ailments as blessings rather than problems. I thank God each day for my migraines and my lupus, for without them I would not be the young woman that I am today. My health problems have developed me into a strong, humble, and courageous spirit-one that is able to love others and help them more than I ever could had I not had these blessings.”
Rachelle N. Werking is from East Greenbush, NY and will be attending Siena College to study Computer Science. Rachelle has severe Scoliosis diagnosed at just nine months old. “…I had 17 castings over nine years, each performed in the operating room under full anesthesia. People ask me how I have tolerated all this while maintaining a positive attitude. I always remember that there is someone worse off than me. I will apply the same principal of perseverance to deal with any hardships in life I used as a small child learning to walk in a five pound body cast. I will never give up or stop trying as long as I live!”